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The making of our Christmas Card!

We hope you enjoy watching the making of our card and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year…

Like our products we put extra care and thought into everything we do and this also includes our Christmas cards! Many of you will remember our now infamous 2016 Christmas card which featured our entire team embracing their inner ‘elf.’ We took a break from public humiliation last year but thought we would do something extra special for our 2018 Ruark Christmas Card.

When I initially suggested my plan there were mixed feelings in the office, everyone loved the idea but a few members of the team were a little apprehensive when they saw their outfit for the shoot. Not wanting to let the team down all those involved eventually agreed to my vision and the date for the shoot was booked.

We called upon our good friend Matt at Insight Design to make our vision a reality. Matt had been told about our idea but I don’t think he fully knew what he was letting himself in for! I have no doubt that this shoot will go down as one of the more memorable ones for Matt in 2018. Alan’s son David was on hand to film the day for us so we could share with you the fun we had making the card.

It’s not easy to pull off (or on) a skin tight leotard but Alan, Neil, Richard, David, Ed and Jason all took it in their stride and the end result is our fantastic 2018 Christmas Card. After all, T’is the season to be jolly!

We hope you enjoy watching the making of our card and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year…

Music credit: AShamaluevMusic.

Written by: Topaz Garrard, Marketing Co-ordinator