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Christmas Spirit

When we were approached by some local film makers, asking if we could help fund the making of their new film for Christmas, we jumped at the chance. Christmas Spirit is a beautiful short film that we guarantee will leave a lump in your throat and it has all been shot and created in our home town of Southend-on-Sea. We hope that you enjoy it.

When we were approached by some local film makers, asking if we could help fund the making of their new film for Christmas, we jumped at the chance. Christmas Spirit is a new short film directed by Andy Delaney (Love is Blind), written by Rich With and starring Curtis Flowers and introducing Bert Davis as The Boy.

The film opens with our two main characters in a cemetery. Ten years ago our principal character - The Man lost his wife as she gave birth to their first child. While The Man is still coming to terms with his loss a decade later. He has never found the peace needed to move on just a little, and is in very real danger of letting his depression consume him. Conversely, his son never met his own mother, so having existed outside the confines of her love he has little emotional attachment to her.

The Boy, is happy-go-lucky. He’s cheeky, funny, smart and has the best intentions for his Dad. He clearly adores him and consistently tries to bring his father out of his grief by instilling some, however small, semblance of Christmas spirit. We follow these two characters through a series of festive vignettes, slowly unravelling The Man’s grief as his son tries to get him to accept his position and in some small way perhaps move on with his life.

Working in conjunction with the charity Cruse Bereavement Care Andy and Rich have crafted a beautifully melancholic and yet ultimately uplifting Christmas film which we guarantee will leave a lump in your throat.

Featuring music by MG Boulter, Asylums and Matthew Halsall and shot entirely in our hometown of Southend-on-Sea, all the actors and creatives gave much of their talent and time for free and the film was completed for just a few thousand pounds. A miniscule amount, by todays standards.

Rich says “Obviously Christmas is a time for celebration, but for many of us it’s also a time of reflection as we look back at the loved ones we have lost throughout the year. It’s perhaps not remarkable that many of us have lost someone we care deeply for at Christmas time. This film is for anyone who can resonate with that.”

We are honoured to have been able to help with the production of this short film and to support what is a very worthwhile cause.